UK will have men's health strategy, government announces
The Problem with Good Men - Hannah Gadsby
we all need to believe we are fundamentally good because believing you are fundamentally good is part of the human condition.
The experts: sex educators on 16 ways to talk to your children about bodies, porn and consent
Start young in an age-appropriate way
Be approachable
Be neutral and non-judgmental
Embrace the humour of it
Don’t rely on school to teach everything
Be supportive, not forceful about contraception
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1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have been or will be victimized by sexual violence, most often by someone they know. That's over a hundred million women and tens of millions of men in the U.S. alone.
By their own admission, roughly 6% of unincarcerated American men are rapists, and the authors acknowledge that their methods will have led to an underestimate. Higher estimates are closer to 14%.
That comes out to somewhere between 1 in 17 and 1 in 7 unincarcerated men in America being rapists, with a cluster of studies showing about 1 in 8, most with multiple victims.
84% of men whose behavior met the legal definition of rape believed that what they did was "definitely" not rape, despite what the law clearly says.
How America tells me and other Asian American men we're not attractive
One way I did that was by only trying to date white girls. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, all of the racist comments, movies and TV shows that told me white women would never want me made me desperately want to date white women. If I could date a white girl, I thought, I would be normal and accepted.
Some Asian American men even think the K-pop phenomenon, which is often heralded as a boon for Asian male representation, is causing a fetishization of certain types of Asian men that complicates their love lives
The myth of men’s full-time employment
"New research analyzing data from about 4,500 men, collected over more than 25 years, indicates that increases in layoffs and decreases in unionization are hurting workers."
Our findings paint a troubling portrait of employment in America. If this kind of unsteady employment characterizes the work patterns of the baby boom generation, what awaits those of us who follow them?
When gender progress challenges traditional masculinities, what are the opportunities for equity and healing?
Rather than looking to higher wages for men to shore up masculine self-conceptions, can changing our ideas about gender and earning power release pressure on men while supporting greater gender equity in work?
Venting Doesn't Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Shows
While we already knew that venting doesn't solve or even reduce anger (it just makes you addicted to venting and start to ruminate), it seems arousal-increasing exercises like punching, running, kicking, weight-lifting, etc. don't work either.
What actually seems to reduce anger is arousal-decreasing activity, and the article talks about them indepth.
Forensic science failures undermine justice as labs fail to adopt standards
In addition:
Research has found key areas within forensic science that are associated with higher rates of wrongful convictions. Addressing them should strengthen trust in our criminal justice system. Link
I Finally Understand Edgelords.
the worst thing that ever happened to left-wing causes was how our art shifted from counter culture to a very diluted, Disneyfied, anf generic form of mainstream pop culture
Half of male victims 'do not report domestic abuse'
We research online ‘misogynist radicalisation’. Here’s what parents of boys should know
Judgement-free conversations are important so young people don’t fear bringing up difficult experiences. If you are going to be critical of something, try and do this together, with children contributing to explanations of whether specific content can be harmful and to whom.
Are Women Smarter than Men?
Explores the cognitive differences between genders. Delves into various scientific studies and data - explains whether are there are significant differences in intelligence between men and women. Provides context for Greater Male Variability Hypothesis, which suggests that men exhibit greater variability in cognitive abilities compared to women.
Richard V Reeves on parenting in the modern world
I remember trying to explain to my parents what parenting was. "What are you saying?" "I said parenting." "That's a verb now?" "Yeah, it's a verb now. It's a thing you do. Didn't you do parenting?" They're like, "No. We just had kids."
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